
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Afternoon in the Garden

for my mother <3

Martyrs, angels, sweets beyond compare
Overwhelming beauty, ever fair

Time, nor any other measure can't surpass
This heaven's first glance upon my eyes

My everlasting Love
You graced the Earth
You reveled in your past, then, gave me birth

Oh! What a dream it is to hold your lovely face!
I pray to never, ever, let us part!
I kiss your cheek and long for your embrace
I stare upon you, my gentle work of art ...

Feeling blessed to watch this prize now dreaming
I run my fingers through your almost reddish mane
Inside screaming: "Gray! Do not!"

I keep you, precious, from falling to disdain
Napping gently on a day so hot
I cherish each moment
I cherish this time, when I am entitled to call you  - mine
Quietly weeping, I turn to the sky
I whisper a prayer
My prayer is denied

I hold you, my jewel, for as long as can be
I leave you the peaches you collected for me to sweeten your dream
so that this moment won't end
I am holding an angel ...
and I am touching her hand!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


When I think of you, I’m starving
Memories of Love
Rage alarming

I catch the sun rays wave good bye
Certain our Love will never die 
Untimely cost of lives
A sweet embrace
Forbidden touch
Yes! Love has a face!
This time, she is I
Awaiting lover’s nights
Again, again I say!
With even brighter lights!
Drenched in heavy rain
You stare into me
I fall into you
Forgetting the old
Denying the new
Oh, precious wonder!
All of Earth and sea!
The moonlight merged the sky and ocean just for you and me!
Sweet violet rays leap out of our sight!
Everlasting joy, making all things right with blinding Love, intoxicating trance ...
It's amazing, we made the sky forever change tonight
We made the sunbeams dance