
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I act, therefore, I am

@2008 - original poem about acting, please don't reprint without permission

In ancient festivals of mask and horn
In rivalry and peace, the first actor had been born

Many since have followed, even more 'arrived'
some, on money borrowed, others just survived

Not one, but many has the little bugger bit,
when they hurried up to wait, to make their home on stage
as one brave actor made his pilot role a hit
another worked a stage role for sad pocket change
but we stand united floating on that raft
that developed our poise from spectacle to craft
we walk the footsteps of oh so many greats
from Hemingway to Shakespeare
Bart Simpson, Norman Bates
in hope of bringing joy to someone's heart
we proudly stand before you
representing art

I work to fill my desperate need to give
when they pull this curtain once more to a rise
for an actor only though his art can live and his reward is in the audience's eyes ....

In a beastly rage I proudly entertain
In everlasting prose I speak of love
Yet, in my spirit ... all remains the same
I am an actor, who can never work enough! 

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