We perceive ourselves to be physical bodies, yet in truth every cell inside us, and everything we touch, see, taste and feel is in constant motion.
We are not solid entities. We are fused with the environment as well as vibrationally connected to one another, however close or far we may be from each other. For some, zen meditation is religion, for others it is a form of relaxation and for some it is a way of life. Meditation is a path
toward to universal oneness. A simple thought can travel great distances. In universal oneness we are connected simply by the will of thought. When the physical body is ill, it becomes off balance. Health is then restored by either alkalizing or acidizing the body. In suffering, in frustration and under stress the mind is out of balance. At the same time the mind can also be disrupted by temporary euphoria and when the calm arrives, the change causes imbalance. Nature corrects itself if we allow ourselves to 'go with the flow' sort to speak. It is by tuning into universal vibrations that we become universally connected. We learn through experience, therefore one could argue that imbalance is important for personal growth and using our body parts which are connected to our minds influence one another putting events in motion. Mary kicks the ball to Paul, he may chose to kick the ball back to Mary or to hold on to it by calling the game to an end. Choices we make in life have directed effect on the entire universe; hence the 'butterfly effect'. Just as each move on the chessboard leads to new results, the universe rearranges itself to create new balance with each action we take. Therefore each thought we carry matters.
It is a fact that a positive thought is more powerful than a negative thought and it has also been proven that a harmonious mind and heart call stagnancy to an end, putting things in motion. In his book Messages from the Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto explains the molecular structure of water which is affected by positive and negative energy. By the same token our bodies, composed 95% of water, soak up the environment we live in directly shaping the future of every living being in the world. We are aware of the physical world we live in and we are aware of our own existence in physical form, yet not everyone perceives the universe as one and very few comprehend there are levels and dimensions to our existence. Universal oneness unites and fuels all elements. It is imperative we selectively chose honest actions in life, in order to achieve universal balance of collective positive minds, bodies and souls.
Just as our body pumps blood into our veins to keep us alive, just as we take each and every breath without having to think about it, by same regard our mind keeps working incessantly. We are incapable of not thinking. The mind continues to think, operated by a higher power, we have yet to explain. Therefore, it is safe to assume we are not in control of our destiny, however, if we develop mindfulness, and we are true to our feelings at all time, we enhance universal balance for the greater good. By embracing higher vibrations, we become part of a more compassionate accepting existence guiding us to a desired destiny.
The act of conscious breathing, oxygenates each and every body part, connecting body with a focused mind. A positive thought that is honest ends disheartening disruption and all chaos. Rather than blocking out the negative, we may chose to allow its flow through us and with an empty peaceful mind, free of all possessions, desire and imbalance we restore harmony. Higher vibrational frequencies begin with an honest self. The body and mind must be positively supercharged. To achieve this, meditation is in order, accompanied by proper body nourishment of chemical free, unprocessed super foods, aiding cultivation of optimal health in mind, body and soul, by extension collectively and universally enhancing the world we live in.
The act of conscious breathing, oxygenates each and every body part, connecting body with a focused mind. A positive thought that is honest ends disheartening disruption and all chaos. Rather than blocking out the negative, we may chose to allow its flow through us and with an empty peaceful mind, free of all possessions, desire and imbalance we restore harmony. Higher vibrational frequencies begin with an honest self. The body and mind must be positively supercharged. To achieve this, meditation is in order, accompanied by proper body nourishment of chemical free, unprocessed super foods, aiding cultivation of optimal health in mind, body and soul, by extension collectively and universally enhancing the world we live in.
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