
Friday, February 22, 2013

Life is a maze, love is a riddle

Mayans believed time is round
when humanity is heaven bound
five minutes remaining on the clock
time ticking way
I'm at the dock
dipping my feet in the winter river stream
testing the water
before jumping in
I will not scream, I have no fear
knowing that our end is near
I tried, perhaps, with some regret
to lose my pride
now wide awake

With a second chance I must be true, in life, as well as in romance
Before I knew me I was blind, but my eyes have opened
now I see fine, just as you see through me, easily

We are nothing more than a human stain in wild dreams of hope and pain
 Like you, I learn from every moment, everyone I meet and love
I learn to love and how to be loved, I believe in destiny
Perhaps, in some silly way, it's my own personal victory

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Zen Buddhists practice zazen, a seated meditation. To achieve a sense of oneness with the universe, one does not need to practice Zen Buddhism religiously and still be able to absorb the benefits of zen meditation. We are all connected. We are one with all, vibrational beings of light and sound.

We perceive ourselves to be physical bodies, yet in truth every cell inside us, and everything we touch, see, taste and feel is in constant motion.
We are not solid entities. We are fused with the environment as well as vibrationally connected to one another, however close or far we may be from each other. For some, zen meditation is religion, for others it is a form of relaxation and for some it is a way of life. Meditation is a path

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


for my daddy ♥ 
( February 13, 1947 - September 1, 2004 )

Lost in the world, feeling all alone
aching, as his will is gone
cancer strikes, yet, he battles on!

A warrior.
A champion!

Iron-clad chains weigh him down, masquerading as sacrifice
Yet, hope remains where sweet love reigns ...
He gave me my big beautiful blue eyes 
 I wish to see him smile again

I come to realize
I am an immigrant child in his paradise
I kneel to humbly dare to pray
confused about what to say, I ask for help, soaked in guilt
thriving, in a world he built

Please stay, stay, I dare say

Thinking back to when life was fair
the woods, the rivers … our precious past, our joyful days, sweet memories that last…
I now see, how much he longs to be the way he was, when young and strong, a gushing bull of energy

Standing tall, I understood, why once an oak, he barely could
why his river turned a waterfall
why I long to love him after all

Perhaps, on this very quiet night
he, sitting by the lonely light
will take me back to a time I miss, when wrong made good with a simple kiss
Perhaps, he'll think about that time
when the world was his and he was none, but mine ❤️

Friday, February 8, 2013

Not In English


If we could just be
if we didn't ask or say
If we took what we need
each moment, every day
no manipulation
no explanations
no expectations

If we could just do hands and tongues
me and you
hearts over beating
lungs barely breathing

it would be true, it would be fair
If we could kill this stupid heartache we can't bare
prove we care

we would just be
_            _            _

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ode to John Donne

I think I should include poetry from my favorite poets on Sirenprose as well.
I love Shakespeare, but my all time favorite poem is this one, by John Donne. Two people as the arms inside a clock, a circle, the only shape that is perfect, tick tock like a heartbeat, and if one gets too far the other follows... what's not to love about this piece he wrote for his wife.
by John Donne

AS virtuous men pass mildly away,
And whisper to their souls to go,
Whilst some of their sad friends do say,
"Now his breath goes," and some say, "No."
So let us melt, and make no noise, 5
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move ;
'Twere profanation of our joys
To tell the laity our love.
Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears ;
Men reckon what it did, and meant ; 10
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent.
Dull sublunary lovers' love
—Whose soul is sense—cannot admit
Of absence, 'cause it doth remove 15
The thing which elemented it.
But we by a love so much refined,
That ourselves know not what it is,
Inter-assurèd of the mind,
Care less, eyes, lips and hands to miss. 20
Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion,
Like gold to aery thinness beat.
If they be two, they are two so 25
As stiff twin compasses are two ;
Thy soul, the fix'd foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if th' other do.
And though it in the centre sit,
Yet, when the other far doth roam, 30
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.
Such wilt thou be to me, who must,
Like th' other foot, obliquely run ;
Thy firmness makes my circle just, 35
And makes me end where I begun.

Donne, John. Poems of John Donne. vol I.
E. K. Chambers, ed.
London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1896. 51-52.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Diving deeper, where the seaweed buries me

I discover what our merit be

Resilient, like all fish
I am me

Resurfacing, only to lose myself again
I am made different by the sea
Although, my love remains the same
salty as can be

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Stop and rewind to that time
sundown, sunrise, heart of mine

Erase bad nights, turn the page
elegy of solid mind

kick the rage, say anything
stop and rewind if you think
it's the only solace we can find

a deep breath in, then, rewind
sundown, sunrise, heart of mine